Posted by Jonathan on August 23, 2019 in
Get Real News |
“Many spiritually oriented people are not aware of just how serious the situation is in Britain. If Brexit or some other outcome occurs, other than staying in the European Union – it will have a negative impact upon the world as a whole, profoundly undermining the democratic system. If the UK remains in the EU, then a road to re-organisation of the entire EU lays open – with the potential of Britain being one of the main catalysts. The principle of democracy is at stake – in a nation that is the principal founder of modern democracy.” (Phillip Lindsay, April
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Posted by Jonathan on July 5, 2019 in
Wisdom Sharings |
“Do or die” A simplistic yet realistic view of human psychology – You decide!
H ave you noticed we all have natural tendencies that if we look at them with honesty, collectively we can admit, yes we are endangering our future but we don’t know how to change! ? When a man is cutting the trees or taking fish from the oceans does he think about how they will be replenished? Is he being paid to think about that? No, he just wants to be paid for what he knows how to do. It’s
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Posted by Jonathan on June 30, 2019 in
Wisdom Sharings |
P eople everywhere are looking for a way into the Heart. They are seeing the darkness and it is disturbing them. It seems there is no turning to the inner light until we have seen a reflection of the horror of a world without soul. Others are recognising their true nature by their own willingness to align with soul. The tensions polarising the nations are extreme now. The sensational, the desire nature, the mind games, claim the attention of the people and in turn are claimed by the very same forces that seek to
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Posted by Jonathan on March 7, 2019 in
Wisdom Sharings |
M any of us have been affected by, or have friends or relatives, who have or are being affected by extreme weather phenomena; wild fires burning our lands, the hottest temperatures in one part of the globe and freezing in another, or flash flooding, all creating impossible to live situations that endanger the lives and unbalancing the ecosystems and these events are becoming common place. Naturally we pray for our loved ones and all those lives affected that they will be safe, that conditions will ameliorate, that nature will somehow move into balance so
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Posted by Jonathan on January 23, 2019 in
Get Real News |
W e know the situation before Britain and the European Community as a whole is critical. There are just a few days to the deadline of 29 March when Britain is set to leave. World servers can help align the nations as a whole with the Soul of humanity, to infuse the situation with the consciousness of the One Life, so that under magnetic law, the divine Plan may make divine adjustment. The following sheds some light on the one factor behind the scenes few people are aware of. Almost alone with her ambition
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