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David Bowie – Beyond Death

I n case you are a Bowie fan (!) … I found it significant that he made a celebration of his death by releasing his last album “Black Star” two days after his passing…  The effect of which can be predicted to help negate the fear of dying by many if not most people of his generation (fans of his spaceagey music) who may approach their own passing with a similar sense of liberation.

Nothing is out of place or time as the Mayan Calendar has the day after the breaking news of his passing, named as “Cosmic World Bridger”.

 “I endure in order to equalise
Transcending opportunity.

I seal the store of death
With the cosmic tone of presence,
guided by the power of heart.”

This marks the end of the current 13 day sequence, indicated as an “enchantment of the world antahkarana or rainbow bridge”*, our link to the soul´s pure field of consciousness – the Noosphere, during which time we may have been impressed with a sense of a more transpersonal vision and integrity of the Self upon a renewed life experience or fearless quest.

The coming 13 days is indicated by Blue Hand (wholeness and healing) through to Blue Storm (cyclic regeneration). This archetype suggests activation of the world antahkarana by strengthening identification as one soul one people one planetary life.


* See 2016 − Entering Conscious Synchronicity

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