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Entering Upon The Way – Impression of a Sacred City

Tracing the hermetic tradition from ancient times to the present
and its influence upon the people of Portugal.

When a society ´s structure retains sympathetic resonance with original patterns of the higher dimension, the consciousness of the people may more readily adhere to the way of the higher evolution. Such a living hermetic tradition continues to enrich the country of Portugal and impresses itself upon the people at a time of crisis …

An Eternal Ceremony * The Aqueduct of Free Waters
The “August” Way of the Higher Evolution * In Search of the King of the World
In Community We Build the Future * Opening of the Way

An Eternal Ceremony

The Seven Rays are seven streams of divine energy – the well-springs of spiritual energy that flow through the Sacred City.

AquariusThe sacred waters of life flow through time and space over the Bridge of Love, the antahkarana of the Soul, to be poured forth through the hearts of twelve discipleship groups.

The Living Word is brought through the ether by sound, then distributed by twelve heart-fountains thus mirroring the pattern of stars above that have
brought the light of the waters of life to humanity
and to the New World of the future.

The waters of life pour through the inner city and outer city, the city of the Masters and the city of the Freed Men.


The Aqueduct of Free WatersThe imprint of “an eternal ceremony” is mirrored in the system of transportation of water to and through the city of Lisbon, Portugal.Similarly the ground plan of the city centre records the “august way” of the higher evolution.

Àguas Livres Aqueduct

1 Àguas Livres Aqueduct – Crossing over the
Alcântara Valley, from an XIX century´s engraving

The city stands on seven hills, one of two cities in Portugal, the other being the Templar city of Tomar.  Seven springs flow to supply water to the city. These seven springs feed the “Águas Livres” Aqueduct of Living Waters, a monolithic construction of the mid 18thC, that stretches “58” kilometres from East to West to deliver water to the new city of Lisbon.  There are a total of “127” arches in this full length, of which the spanning of the Alcântara valley, includes “14” pointed arches in the center and “21” rounded arches at the sides, the largest standing monolithic stone built archway in the world.


From “Imprints on Water” by José Medeiros, we learn;

“In the beginning, the old Well Head is circular, capturing and enclosing the Telluric Energy from the Mother Earth, within the water that starts the Path.  In the new well-head, the circle becomes an octagon, the superposition of the Lunar and Solar cycles, the mystical wedding of the King and the Queen, which will issue the birth of the perfect energetic entity, which purifies and transforms everything.

“Along the Path, it will be vivified by the Sun, the Fire of Life, through the slots or the symbols that will transform it into the Living Water, which purifies, washes and feeds. The hidden Sun, engraved on the stone, confers to the water from the spring the required energetic balance to convey the life that it encloses.

“This New Water will be led to the squared or cubic Amoreiras Temple (of Love), where, past the Triumphal Arch, is projected through the Air to the wide tank or altar, which will distribute it through the City of the West, the one of the New World or of the Future. It is the first house of the zodiacal cycle, the house of the passage from the Cosmic into the Human Plane, the house that realises the completion of a superiorly determined project.

 Mai das Aguas2 “Mai das Aguas” (the Mother of Waters)
temple reservoir


“The eleven (additional) fountains will complete the wheel of Life or Signs, allowing the Work to be born and the Prophecy to be fulfilled.

“Along the Aqueduct, Symbols remained in memory of an intention. Through a reading where the hidden imprints can be related to the hermetic teachings of the Book of Thoth, which, according to Court de Gebeln were perpetuated through the Major Arcane of the Tarot, we will find the Path of Life in the twenty and one round arches in the Alcântara Valley.  Through them, the seven energies will be activated in balance, in their two polarities.  In this Path, where the water is the Pilgrim who goes through the Three Cycles of Saturn, is achieved the alchemical work, which frees from impurities.

While in the Tower of the Fourteen Windows, the Path of the Spheres or of the Seven Planetary Energies, had enabled to achieve the Path from the Origin to the Kingdom.  Fourteen, the mystical number of Osiris sacrifice (2 polarities of 7, also 3+6+5 days of the year, synchronic time is a unity – JE), which will reduce him to be Lord of the passage between the planes, connecting that which is inside with that which is outside, such as the Aqueduct connects the inner city and outer city, the city of the Masters and the city of the Freed men.”

This great architecture projects an image of the sacred waters of rebirth, purification and regeneration crossing over the “Bridge of Love”, the antakharana, to be poured forth through twelve fountains from the “Mai das Aguas” (the Mother of Waters) a large temple reservoir of four massive columns and a nine-arched four square ceiling (3-6-9).  Underground there are three channels originally distributing the waters to the people and to the city fountains via a labyrinth of lighted tunnels.

The Living Word itself is brought through the air by a sound, then distributed abundantly to each fountain mirroring the pattern of stars above that have brought the light of the waters of life to humanity and to the New World of the future.

Whilst this architecture was constructed in the age of Pisces, it captures the hermetic simplicity of an eternal reality. By the electrical nature of water comes alive once again as an Aquarian symbol of the “waters of life  poured forth for thirsting humanity”.


The August Way of the Higher Evolution

The construction of the Aqueduct of Free Waters was conceived during the reign of King John V, (João V) whose charter of 1730 likens the project to an inspiration for the New City of Jerusalem.  Building started in 1731 under the direction of the Italian masonic architect Antonio Canevari, although shortly afterwards Custódio José Vieira and Manuel da Maia, both Portuguese, took charge. The latter was heavily involved in the reconstruction of Lisbon after the earthquake; he first made his name through the building of the aqueduct, which survived the earthquake undamaged. The crossing of the Alcântara valley was completed in 1748, immediately guaranteeing the city’s water supply.

The reconstruction of the city was contemporary with that of the Free Waters Aqueduct and in that construction is similarly reflected a hermetic plan.

Quay of PillarsBy the shore of the River Tejo, where this broad river meets the Atlantic, is a landing stage built in stone. It is called the Quay of (Twin) Pillars.  The twin pillars of Boaz and Joachim stand in the waters of the river. They are said to indicate the individualization of humanity in the sign of Gemini. Upon this stone landing stage we then see two low pillars surmounted with the pine (or pineal) cone like fruit of the artichoke, said to represent the true love that unites the heavenly twins. This pair is then further repeated by twin lamps – signifying the first illumination of humanity.

Across the road we encounter the vast square that leads to the Rua Augusto (the August Way). This square signifies our first encounter with the material life of human interactions and is where the Ministries of Commerce and Agriculture are located.  In the centre there is a strange statue featuring King Dom José I on a horse that curiously stands only on its two left legs.


Beyond lies a great archway surmounted by the Archangel Michael and a winged god and goddess who, almost naked, suggest the renunciation of all materialism. Beneath them are four figures that include Portugal´s two great Navigator Explorers, Vasco de Gamma and Magellan and the great poet Luís de Camões who wrote the epic history of Portugal which includes certain esoteric guidelines. Unlike so many nations, the National Day of Portugal is not set to a historic battle but to the day of this poet, it is therefore a cultural event.  Either side of the Arch are representation of the country´s major Rivers, the Tejo and Douro, perhaps hinting of the silver and gold of alchemy. The emblem of Portugal´s coat of arms depicts the twin septenary symbolism also revealed in the Free Waters Aqueduct.


Entering Upon the August Way

Passing through the August (“magnanimous”) Archway we enter upon the Path (from Gemini towards the Phoenix of Scorpio). Here the hermetic Caduceus is laid out in the three parallel streets, the “Way of Gold” to our left, the “Way of Silver” to our right and directly before us – the “August Way”.  Each of the crossroads we encounter upon the Path represent stages of degrees or initiations of humanity:

Rua do Comércio       – Intercourse
Rua da São Julião       – Protection
Rua de Conceição      – Conception
Rua da São Nicolau    – Birth             –
Rua da Ascenção        – Ascension
Rua de Santa Justa     – Just People
Rua da Vitória               – Victory

Parallel and to the East of the Way of Silver is the Rua da Madalena, the wife of Christ.

The three main streets represent the Caduceus  and from them are others which identify the work of the common people, the streets of the artisans, such as the Rua dos Sapateiros and Rua dos Douradores (shoe makers, the gold and silver smiths).

The August Path has led us to a great plaza, the public square of Rossio – “the fruitful place where people meet”, featuring two large triple-teared fountains of the spirit, soul and personality. This meeting place is at the heart of the “new city”, as at the time of the reconstruction.

In Community We Build the Future

Our arrival at this meeting place coincided with a large mass demonstration by the associated military forces of Portugal (followed by a general strike across Europe supported by 25% of the working population).  These people were taking a stand for due respect and proper compensation by a government that persists in imposing severe austerity measures, a part of the larger world financial crisis.

 In Community

“In Community We Build the Future”

To where will the people walk and to what? Alone, yet with hope they are walking with a growing solidarity.  They must walk the way of the freed men, of goats no longer as sheep, but not without letting go of everything they have, until now, taken to be secure and reliable.  They must trust and be open to receive higher impressions of the fifth kingdom guided by those who have left traces in the pattern of the Living Waters and the Heart of the City for those who have eyes to see.


In Search of the King of the World

One of the old names of Portugal is Lusitânia (Lux Citania) that refers to the “City of the Light”. Prior to the arrival of the Celts, there existed a tribal people who followed an ancient god named “Lug” also signifying “light”.

The founding of Ulissipo (Lisboa) is attributed to the Greek mythological hero Ulysses and represents or coincides with the first expansion of European civilisation.  The modern name Lisbon or “Lisboa” refers to the “good Flor de Lis” the symbolic representation of the divine male principle.  It is said that the esoteric name of Portugal is “Portus Graal” –  the harbor where the Grail (divine feminine) arrived.

The second expansion was initiated during the reign of King John I (João I) of Portugal whose seven children by Queen Phillipa of Lancaster, included Dom Henrique, the explorer. It is said that he was the esoteric governor of the Knights Templars who were then at the zenith of their power in Europe.

The King sent two men by land and others across the seas in search of Prester John, said to be the “King of the World”. The first to arrive in India was Vasco da Gama.  It is a curious fact that, until recently, the school children were taught that Portugal´s great navigators were not so much concerned with discovering new land or with empire building, for Portugal already possessed original world maps from the Old World along with hermetic knowledge and treasures recovered from King Solomon´s Temple by the Knights Templars, but in searching for this mysterious and enigmatic figure, that is quoted here (in full) from the Agni Yoga books, Supermundane:

Prester John

Supermundane I, 1938, 51.

Urusvati has always endeavored to shorten her time in the Subtle World. Such striving reveals a devotion to the direct work of alleviating the suffering of humanity. If earthly people are divided according to warmth of heart and heartlessness, then there also exists a division between those who strive to stay longer in the Subtle World and those who hasten toward perfectment through reincarnation.

We are in favour of those who hasten, despite the paradox of hastening into Infinity. We encourage all perfectment, because in it is contained the General Good. We have dedicated Ourselves to the Great Service and We summon to it all those who can help the unknown sufferers.

      Our Stronghold is actually built upon this concept of help to unknown ones. Multitudes of these unknown ones who need Our care exist on Earth and in the Subtle World. Let Our Abode be called “The Great Service.”We all, at the right time, have hastened to Earth and chosen the most difficult tasks. Such conditions tempered Us and taught Us to despise persecution.

King of the World

King of the World – Nicolas Roerich, 1927

The affirmers of Truth will always be persecuted by the falsifiers. No one should think that such persecutions are meant only for certain people. Every messenger of Truth must experience the onslaught of falsehood. This contact with chaos is inevitable.

You have noticed that people always place the location of Shambhala to the North. Even among the Eskimos and the Kamchatkans there exist legends about a wondrous country beyond the land of the midnight sun. The reasons for this displacement are varied. Some wanted to conceal the location of Our Abode. Some wanted to avoid the responsibility of confronting a difficult idea. Some think of their neighbours to the North as being especially fortunate. In reality it seems that all nations know about the Forbidden Country but consider themselves unworthy to have it within their boundaries!

We have a vast collection of literature on this subject. It is impossible to count the legendary heroes who are linked with Our Abode. You know about Gessar Khan and about Prester John. Everyone should understand the boundary between Truth and the popular imagination. The Abode could not have existed for so many centuries without impressing its emanations upon the people’s collective memory. One should also remember that We are better known in the Subtle World than on Earth. Thence come faint recollections which inspire haste in those who have understood the significance of Great Service.


Supermundane III, 1938, 539.

Urusvati knows the many warnings and instructions that have been sent to humanity. Compare the teachings of Pythagoras, the letters of Prester John, the activities of St. Germain, and the letters of the Mahatmas. You will find in all of them a concern for the purifying of humanity.

It matters not in which languages they were given or how they were adapted to each era. The fundamental ideas underlying all of them can be traced. Sometimes the writings were considered to be forgeries, but is it not obvious that the same thoughts lived throughout the ages? Many of the writings were attributed to particular individuals, but far more of them were anonymous. One can see how all of them found their following in various countries. This vast literature should be studied; it has never been fully collected, and the inner meanings of the many writings have not been adequately compared.

People often complain that they have no guidance, but the library shelves are stuffed with these manuscripts and printed works. You need only examine them, and you will see how many authors, known and unknown, laboured for the evolution of humanity. Some of them wrote under various pseudonyms, and it is therefore not possible to collect the works according to the authors, but only according to the variations in their inner meaning.

We do not see Our names as being of great importance. These names change often in Our long lives. We value the labour itself, and do not pay attention to whether the author’s name can be found on the top or the bottom shelf.

Let us not forget how many manuscripts have been destroyed by the hands of enemies.

The Thinker used to say, “Can We be certain that Our writings will be preserved under Our names? Let us not concern ourselves about it, for such thoughts are but a waste of time.”


Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 1929-1935. 25 March 1935:

We also know that Washington was advised by a mysterious professor, whose counsel he applied in life with historic success. At the time of America’s Declaration of Independence, when preparing to separate from England, a remarkable incident took place. During the proceedings at this historic convention there came a moment of hesitation and uncertainty. Suddenly, a tall stranger stepped out from amid the Assembly and delivered a fiery speech, which he ended with the words “Let America be free!” The enthusiasm of the Assembly was kindled, and the Declaration of Independence was signed. But when the delegates sought to greet the person who had helped them to make the great decision, the stranger had disappeared. Thus, through the whole of history is seen the Helping Hand of the Great Community of Light. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the Western Christian Church was aware of the existence of a mysterious Spiritual Abode in the heart of Asia headed by Prester John, as this great Spirit called himself. This Prester John from time to time sent to the Popes and other heads of the Western Church admonishing and warning notes. We know as a historical fact that one of the Popes sent an embassy to Prester John in Central Asia. One can well imagine the purpose of such an embassy! And, of course, after diverse misfortunes and vicissitudes, this embassy returned, unable to find the Great Abode.


Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 1935-1939. 30 March 1936:

In one of your precious letters you asked the meaning of the phrase, “…data about Kalachakra are passed over in silence.” Kalachakra (the Wheel of Time, or the Wheel of the Law) is the Teaching ascribed to the various Lords of Shambhala. Traces of this Teaching can be found in almost all the philosophical systems and teachings of India. At present, it is perhaps known particularly in Tibet. One can also find obscure hints concerning Shambhala in Western literature. After all, the legend of the Grail also originated in the East, and is actually one of the numerous versions of the very same Shambhala. The chronicles of the West have also recorded the receipt of news from “The Mysterious Abode” by Constantine the Great and also by the Byzantine Emperor Manuel. Likewise, Genghis Khan received messages from the Sage of the Great Mountain. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the Western Christian Church, through its Popes, was also aware of the existence of a Mysterious Spiritual Abode and Brotherhood in the heart of Asia, headed by the then famous Prester John, as this Great Spirit called himself. This Prester John, from time to time, sent admonishing and warning notes to the Popes and other heads of the Church. According to historical records, one of the Popes sent an embassy to Prester John in Central Asia. One can well imagine the purpose of such an embassy, and, of course, after divers misfortunes and vicissitudes, this embassy returned, unable to find the Spiritual Citadel. Yet Prester John continued to send his admonishing notes.


Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 30 March 1936.

The Holy Grail is now guarded in the East. Recently there appeared quite a few investigators of the mysterious personality of Prester John, and also of the symbolism of the legend of the Grail. There is a theory that the Holy Chalice, or Grail, is the sacred Stone (read the legend about the “Stone” in On Eastern Crossroads), and such a version has its reason.


Opening of the Way

The Aqueduct of Free WatersHaving, by then in 1578, opened the way that inspired the European expansion, of empires and original trade routes that culminated in today’s civilisation, King Sebastian attempted to establish a “fifth kingdom”. Sadly his inspiration led him to impose an ideal upon an alien culture, the African Moors, whose influence is so evident throughout Portugal and Spain in their own earlier expansion.   Portugal´s King was lost in the mists of a fateful battle of (his death never confirmed). And so that period of expansion was ended and “the way” was closed.

It nevertheless sparked a mythological yearning for a renewal of vision and spiritual quest, a quest that came to be associated with the Grail and of the Sword of the King, Excalibur and a yearning for past glories that, in the same way as the Round Table and Court of King Arthur, would stay remembered, like a beacon and promise that would one day be fulfilled.

Revealed by the patterns of history, Portugal has proven itself to be a link, forging bridges between old and new worlds, the old and the new civilization.  It is true to say that cycles repeat and the key of opportunity is turned three times. Portugal has the potential to again open the way to the future, this time the turning of the spiral is surely coming from within the people, as it is throughout the world.

Today this way must come from the will to break out or break through the imprisoning set of circumstances that people find themselves. Society has brought the people to a point of serfdom, the giving of our energy, our will and our money, to politicians and corporations who serve not people but those who seek to control the people through economy. This temporary situation will inevitably lead to a realization that the model of endless growth breeding poverty must give way to the sustaining of the planet´s finite environment from an awareness of the God given natural abundance that lies within each one of us. This individualised awareness will transform society from a partial democracy to one of full citizen participation.  It is suggested that what happens in Portugal precipitates through Europe and that the attractive cohesive aspect of second Ray influence can eventually demonstrate through wisdom and wise government.

It seems fitting to quote from Portugal´s legendary poet Fernando Pessoa who traces the history and spirit of the people in his epic poem “The Message”.

An accounting of the great expansion is recorded in “Mar Português”- Mother Sea, a reminder that we must “go beyond the Cape… beyond pain”, if we are to reach beyond existing horizons.

Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a penaSe a alma não é pequena.Quem quere passar além do Bojador

Tem que passar além da dor.

Deus ao mar o perigo e o abysmo deu,

Mas nelle é que espelhou o céu.


Was it worthwhile? All is worthwhileWhen the spirit is not small.He who wants to go beyond the Cape

Has to go beyond pain.

God to the sea peril and abyss has given

But it was in it that He mirrored heaven.


As if to announce the critical hour of these times and to invoke the return of the great King, and his as yet unfulfilled vision of the fifth kingdom that was lost in the mists so long ago:

Ninguém sabe que coisa quere.Ninguém conhece que alma tem,nem o que é mal nem o que é bem.

(Que ância distante perto chora?)

Tudo é incerto e derradeiro.

Tudo é disperso, nada é inteiro.

Ó Portugal, hoje és nevoeiro…

 É a Hora!

Nobody knows what one wants.Nobody is aware of one’s own soul,Nor of what is evil, nor of what is pure.

(What distant anxiety weeps nearby?)

All is uncertain and ultimate.

All is fragmented, nothing is whole.

Oh Portugal, today you are mist…

‘Tis the hour!

Crisis leads to opportunity. The battle lines across the world are being drawn between the forces of materialism and of consciousness.  Yet we conquer by giving up, by kneeling and by raising up all that was held of seeming value to give back, to renounce or to surrender to a higher level.  For a country such as Portugal, that has been a sanctuary of Light since the beginning, the August Way beckons to the people and, throughout the world with the help of the fifth kingdom, they are entering upon the way of the higher evolution.

The Plan is restored on Earth when consciousness reflects the eternal ceremony of the energy patterns of the “fifth kingdom”, the sacred and divine above mirrored and in resonance with society´s structure and life below.  As we come to know and to share so consciousness becomes open to respond to the higher impressions. This is our hope and our salvation.

“… do not speak to me about the heavenly Shamballa only, but also about the one on earth; because you know as well as I, that on earth Shamballa is connected with the heavenly one.  And in this link, the two worlds are unified.” – Nicholas Roerich, Shambhala. 1930

With my deep thanks to Carlos Rosado of Grupo de Estudos Maitreya, Lisbon,
for his sharing of wisdom and insight.

Jonathan Eveleigh
– 14 Nov 2012 (day of a general strike)

Fernado pessoa and The Message,

2 Responses to “Entering Upon The Way – Impression of a Sacred City”

  1. Anu'Shé~Ra says:

    I AM blown away that an article written almost 10 years ago has such huge relevance to the Sacred Service that was created today 11 March 2022. We cannot deny or push aside these wonderful synchronicities and the drawing together of Souls and Golden Threads. The Tapestry is going to be magnificent!! Thank you, dearest Jonathan … Much Gratitude

  2. Jonathan says:

    “EvoLusa” – Documentary about the Portuguese Soul and Future,

    Is Portugal destined to remain a small, insignificant country, with a population submissive to a national inferiority complex endlessly complaining about the crisis? Or is there substance to the inspired intuition of some of the greatest Portuguese philosophers, mystics and poets that Portugal has a significant role to play in the future of mankind?

    What is the true nature of the Portuguese soul? What qualities of the Portuguese character could have a decisive role in the evolution of human consciousness and culture? And, equally importantly, what are the cultural narratives and psychological patterns that stifle and inhibit the spark of the Portuguese?

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