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The FORTY NINE Octaves of Sound and Light

A Correspondence – Visible Light and Audible Music

An Octave of Light and Sound

The earth and man—the land, and sea, and sky—are rich and delightful in their infinitude of forms, and sounds, and colors, and motions, while the world of thought and spiritual power is richer than even the outward world. Harmony consists in the equal balance of Unity and Diversity, and this harmony is increased in exquisiteness in proportion to the number of these parts of Unity and Diversity.

The Principles of Light and Color by Edwin D Babbitt


Our Body of Light and Sound

Sound is Light at a lower vibration and Light is Sound at a higher oscillation. This single scientific fact can change our conception of reality for it becomes evident that all of creation both physical and manifest, spiritual and unseen is one unity of great beauty and simplicity.

Quoting from “Spectro-Chrome Metry Encyclopaedia”, Ch. 11 by Dinshah Ghadiali –

“Just as there are 7 Divisions on the Physical Plane and the Rainbow has 7 Colors, the Energy known as Sound has 7 notes in Music and the same note recurs on the eighth key, only it has a higher or lower Pitch according to which side of the Scale is reckoned. Each complete Scale of Notes is called “Saptaka” or Septave, meaning the Scale of Seven. Actual measurement shows that going from the low to the high, each eighth note has a vibration rate of double the number; thus, each Octave from low to high has double the vibration frequency in the high as in its neighboring low and to find the Octave Frequencies means a question of simple arithmetic …

Forty Nine Octaves of Sound and Light

Fig 17 – Forty Nine Octaves of Sound and Light.

We must first differentiate between what is called Vibration and what is known as Oscillation. Vibration means a tremor, quake, shake, tremble; Oscillation means a movement from point to point. In practice, it is safe to state that Oscillation is Vibration + Transportation. When this brass plate is struck, the particles constituting the plate tremble, but, the plate does not move away bodily; that is Vibration of the plate. The Sound produced by the blow, is owing to the imparting of that Vibration to the particles of the surrounding air, which transmit it to adjacent layers till the destination is reached; this transmission is the Oscillation. A plate struck, vibrates; a pendulum moved, oscillates. That is why I differentiate between the two words.

The First Octaves – Infra-Sound

Beginning with the First Octave, we count that as of 2 Oscillations, because, a full Cycle has one move forward and one move backward, making 2 Oscillations. As our smallest period of Time is 1 Second, the Standard of Oscillatory Frequencies is 2 Oscillations in 1 Second, making the First Octave. The Second Octave has 4 Oscillations and the Third Octave has 8. Till now, though there may be an exertion of Energy, nothing is heard, but, as soon as the Pitch rises to the Fourth Octave of Oscillatory Frequency, 16 Oscillations are made and a low musical note is heard. The Fourth Octave, therefore, is called the Octave which produces the Lowest Audible Note. Below that figure, Energy may exist or be exerted, but, the human ear does not cognize it.

Seven Octaves of Music – Audible Sound

If you look at the keyboard of the pianoforte, you will find 88 keys. From a certain near- middle point, there are 4 Octaves in the Treble and 3 Octaves in the Bass, embracing a total of 7 Octaves with more keys. The lowest range of such pianoforte, comes at the Fifth Octave with an Oscillatory Frequency of 32 per Second. The Great C appears at 64, the Small C at 128 and the Middle C at 256 Oscillations per Second, on the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Octave, respectively. However, the tuning of the modern pianoforte, just like the white flour of the market, differs slightly from the theoretical actual and is 261-2/10 Oscillations per Second for the Middle C; it is the difference between the Conservatory Pitch and the Concert Pitch. If seems they never follow Nature, but, must introduce some odd peculiarities to suit notions of “Professors.”

A Tuning Fork is a good instrument for demonstrating the number of Oscillations in a musical note; here is one having the 128 and another the 512 Oscillations per Second; strike one prong on a hard surface and hold the Fork tightly against a board; the hum will be distinctly heard.

Proceeding from the Middle C, with its theoretical 256 Oscillations per Second on the Eighth Octave, we land on the last high Octave of the pianoforte, on the C5 the Twelfth Octave with 4,096 Oscillations in a Second and whose B note (the last note of its Octave but not on the keyboard,) sounds with 7,680 Oscillations in the same period. That note has a terribly shrill, piercing character, which no human mouth ever produced.


The Buzz Pitch of Insects

Western honey beeA step further, with the Thirteenth Octave at 8,192 Oscillations a Second, begins the Buzz Pitch of Insects. The wings of insects oscillate with incredible speed, some buzzing on the Fourteenth Octave and making 16,384 Oscillations in a Second. As this point is attained, the appeal to the human ears becomes tense, until finally, on reaching the next stage, on the Fifteenth Octave at 32,- 768 Oscillations in a Second, the Highest Audible Note is created and the power of our ears to cognize further such Energy, ceases. Lift up your right hand to try this experiment; wave the wrist one way and another; wave it 16,384 times in l Second; well, that is what a little insect does, which you with all civilization behind you cannot do!


Octaves of Ultra-Sound

Octaves of Ultra-SoundAs Sound is caused by the disturbance of the atmosphere as a conducting medium of the Energy, it is evident that the Resistance of the particles composing the air, will have to be considered in motioning with such numerical height. Up to the Fifteenth Octave, there is no trouble noticeable, but, right after, the experimenter’s miseries start. The atmosphere resents the terrific tremor and as it were, refuses to obey it to produce the Oscillatory Frequency. The only way to circumvent it would be to decrease this Resistance, which can be done by making a partial vacuum and injecting the Energy onto the rarefied gas. Promptly comes the response. Such rarefied medium may then be motioned up to the Nineteenth Octave, making 524,- 288 Oscillations in 1 Second. The resultant Energy is still a mode of Sound; it is an Inaudible Rarefied Medium Sound, which is incapable of appealing to the human ears. However, such Sound as an Oscillatory Frequency, has a tremendous potency for disintegration of objects and it is good that outside of certain research laboratories, its existence or method of production is not generally known. I call it Ethereal Sound. On the Twentieth Octave, with 1,048,576 Oscillations in a Second, all Sound, even the inaudible, vanishes and to make more Oscillations it is vital to change the Medium of Conduction or Transportation.

Octaves of Plasma and Ether – Hyper-Sound

Thus, we come from the Gaseous Division to the so-called Ultra-Gaseous. Till now, the only known Energy produced—Sound—was by the bombardment on Solid, Liquid or Gaseous matter, the last being the air. At the Twentieth Octave, the limit of motioning Gaseous Division is reached, even though that Division be rarefied by partial exhaustion. It becomes necessary now to utilize a Medium of Transportation of a finer particulation. The borderland of the Gaseous with the Ultra-Gaseous is between the Twentieth and the Forty-Second Octave, the latter having 4,398,046,- 511,104 Oscillations in l Second. This type of Medium of Transportation, on the Physical Plane, represents practically the inconceivable condition of the inside of a tube exhausted of all air, so what remains might stand for the residuum of an inch of air stretched out to two thousand miles or more —we may call it safely a perfect Physical Vacuum in regard to the spaces between the particles.

Octaves of Heat

At the Forty-Fifth Octave, the Oscillatory Frequency increases to 35,184,372,088,832 in a Second and the sense of Touch tells that a new kind of Energy is born; it is called Heat; I cognize it as Invisible Light or Dark Light. We commence here to slide into the Invisible Thermal Spectrum of the Sunlight which has the Oscillatory Frequencies from the Forty-Sixth to the Forty-Eighth Octave. Heat evolves at the 45th; the addition of all the numerals, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4+ 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 is 45; therein lies an occult fact.

The 49th Octave of Visible Light

Prism of Light

On the Forty-Ninth, as the Oscillatory Frequency per Second jumps to the high mark of 562,949,953,421,- 312, the middle of the Spectrum of Colors has come into existence, the first Visible Light starting around 318 Trillion Oscillations per Second, with a faint Red Color. While the range of the ear for hearing is from the Fourth to the Fifteenth Octave, a span of 11 or 12 Octaves, the eye can sense only 1 Octave—the Forty-Ninth. As soon as the Fiftieth is reached, with its 1,125,899,906,842,624 Oscillations, the faint Violet of the Spectrum vanishes and for Seven more Octaves, the potent, but invisible Ultra-Violet Range of Radiations is entered. Before going further, we shall look into some of the properties of Oscillatory Frequencies and the conversion of one Energy into another.

And God said, “Let there be Light …”

In the Bible, in Genesis, the First Book of Moses, in Chapter 1, verses 3 and 4 is written, “And God said, Let there be Light and there was Light. And God saw the Light, that it was good: and God divided the Light from the darkness.” God spoke to make Light; thus, Sound preceded Light. On the Oscillatory Frequency principle, this is very correct, because, Sound is an Energy acting on a lower Scale. The fact of Light appearing on the Forty-Ninth Octave, explains its Divine origin and relation; God is represented symbolically by the Circle and only 7 Circles can produce the Cosmos; the Number 49 is made by 7 X 7 and stands for each Circle having been traversed 7 times in Cosmogenesis, before Light came into being, with its Seven Spectral Colors. This beauteous Energy was preceded by Sound with its Seven Musical Notes, the Number 7 keeping pace with the Scales of Evolution.”

Self Healing through Resonance

It becomes quite evident that there is no need for suffering or death from dis-ease – except if for karmic reasons the soul has no other means of learning and resolving why such experience was accepted.

Once we “know” that we are “energy beings” not mortal solids, we become open to receive free universal life giving energy. It´s who we are. Healing therapies that can eradicate all disease with sound and light are available to us all right now. New “free energy” technologies that can liberate us humans from solid world is but a coordinated effort away. Oil and fossil fuels are obsolete.  As we identify so we magnetise!

The fundamental problem with orthodox medicine has been to look only through the microscope of material means to make physical matter healthy.  Similarly, science has made a gross error of believing that energy can only be created from matter. Rather, the physical body is a product, a result of its energy field – health is then a question of realigning the physical etheric field and exposing it to the greater harmonizing free energy field of a larger sphere or source within and without, of which it is a part – a source having the same harmonic spectrum but at a higher octave. This will not only invoke the power of the natural etheric immune system but will rejuvenate cellular life from its exposure to what otherwise might be called – the etheric spectrum colours (Yellow-Red-Magenta-Violet-Blue). [i]

Spectro-Chrome Prismatic Light

Fig 18 – Light and Dark are the Source of all Colour – a Media of Healing

A great mystery of life is revealed in the wonder of Colour.

Light is invisible. It only “appears” when it strikes a surface. The colour we see is the light that is not absorbed by the surface, but is “reflected”. The colours that we see very much depend on our perceptions as “observer” and place in relation to that we are observing.Light and Dark together create all the colours that we see. Both the light of the Sun and the darkness of Space must be combined and integrated in equal measure.  Goethe Colour Wheel
Colour Wheel
– Johann Goethe
Light is the primary source for the creation of the colour Yellow, the dominant colour of the Sun.
Dark is the primary source for the creation of the colour of Blue, the dominant colour of the dome of the Sky.The combination of these two primary colours, creates Green – the dominant colour of Nature as well as the Green of the heart centre.

Prism of Dark SpectrumPrism of the Dark Spectrum
– Johann Goethe

The colours Yellow of Light and Blue of Dark are the only two primary colours. All others derive from them. These three correspond to the Trinity of Life-Spirit, Earth-Matter and Soul-Heart.The colour Magenta is created by the Shadow of Green and Light. Magenta is the complementary opposite of Green. Magenta has no detectable wavelength. May it therefore be an etheric colour?[ii]

Prism of light Spectrum goethe
Prism of the Light Spectrum
– Johann Goethe

The Octave of Colour forms harmonic chords and “discordant” opposites just as in music. (See for an outstanding presentation.)

Some correspondences of the primary energy functions of the human are:

Red – Liver | Green – Pineal and Pituitary | Violet – Spleen | Lemon – Stomach
Yellow – Nervous System (Ref: Dinshah Spectro Chrome)


Colour and Sound Frequency has been proven to heal ALL viral diseases including cancer. Colour and Sound Frequencies in resonance with the higher harmonics of sacred geometry re-member original cellular creation.  Quite simply harmonic molecular therapy stimulates regrowth and rejuvenation at cellular levels because it is working from the higher to the lower energetic octave.  It´s our choice.  Both Royal Raymond Rife and Dinshah Ghadiali developed these technologies in the 1930s as a gift for the benefit of mankind. [iii]

“For centuries scientists have devoted untiring effort to discover a means for the relief or cure of human ills and restoration of the normal functions. Yet in neglected light and color there is a potency far beyond that of drugs and serums. Color is the simplest and most accurate therapeutic measure yet developed. I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than with any or all other methods combined—and with less strain on the patient.” Kate Baldwin MD

“A clinical trial on humans with cancer was conducted in 1934 with dramatic results. 14 of 16 patients with significant malignancies at the La Jolla California site were “clinically cured” after a regimen of 3 minute Rife treatments every 3 days for 3 months.” – 1934 MA Report.  In fact within a further month, ALL patients had fully recovered.

(EXTRACT from “Living in Harmony With The Spheres” by Jonathan Eveleigh,
download here:

 (C) 2014 Creative Commons Copyright, Jonathan Eveleigh. All text may be shared provided all sources are referenced.

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[i] Etheric Light and Electricity, Thomas Joseph Brown:

[ii] Goethe, Johann (1810). Theory of Colours. For Goethe, light is “the simplest most undivided most homogenous being that we know. Confronting it is the darkness”(Letter to Jacobi).

Light Darkness And Colours – A fascinating Video Journey Through The Universe of Colours

[iii] Dinshah Ghadiali – Spectro Chrome, Dinshah Health Society,
Royal Raymond Rife – Sonic Therapy,
and watch The Royal Rife Story,

14 Responses to “The FORTY NINE Octaves of Sound and Light”

  1. Ian says:

    Astounding! Very well done. There is another octave, beyond that of light. Consider a wavelength is reduced by a factor of 1/2 for every doubling of frequency. With only a little extension you can understand a little further than science currently allows, then it becomes apparent why science is baffled by a seemingly contrary “wave-particle duality” or their inability to locate a unifying theory which explains why the quantum world and the world of Newtonian Physics seem so misaligned. As above, so below. In fact, no duality exists. The same scale that separates light from sound, separates light from it’s next transition – matter. 49 octaves above visible light, the wavelengths correspond to the diameters of sub-atomic particles. Matter. What we see as matter, or the physical universe, is merely a mirage. We apply these same faulty observations to the atomic universe and assume it must be as we observe. But we only observe the reflections of our universe. We cannot see what is absorbed or what merely passes through. The lower a frequency the more easily it passes through “matter”. What we observe as matter is a reflection, or mirage. A mirage made possible by that illusory chain we all obey – time. We think it’s real. It feels real enough, yet – our own science marvels at its direct relationship to gravity and velocity. What is time in the gravity of a black hole, or at the “speed of light”? And what are we in the absence of time?

    I marvel at your brilliant work, my brother and sisters. I hope your journey is one of abundance, joy, wisdom, and love.

    • Jonathan says:

      Such a wonderful insight Ian – thank you!

      One can surmise that where wave-particle duality meets with mind that consciousness may be found, a universal field interpenetrating all things expressed as the “centre of a circle everywhere present”, unbounded mind yet potentially focussed in every individual – in the quantum mechanics of the cave in the heart of the brain!

      I believe that when science can apply consciousness, that is the science of consciousness (cause) wedded with the Newtonian (let’s prefer the ‘Art of Nature’?), that being simply the world of phenomenon (effects) then science and humanity will evolve, liberate itself, inspire a new paradigm, discover itself, its soul, its reason for being and our place in the universe.

  2. just for the record….the ancient Rishi sages discovered that in the beginning, creation happened from the unstruck SOUND; thereafter the other 49 sounds developed

    • the real GURU is the one who knows all the 49 sounds; as well as being continuously merged in the UNSTRUCK SOUND. Only such a GURU can teach Ajapa – the science of Sound

      • Antonella says:

        Thanks for the great quote. Also H. P. Blavatsky in the “Secret Doctrine” refers that “Sound” is “the first correlation of Akasha” (Space). With this word “Sound” I intend “the Sound without sound” which is the universal Creator at different levels of Substance/Energy or Vibration.
        Thus if we see the Motion or Action of this creating Agent as the ‘basic’ Vibration (mentioned in these pages) which oscillates differently according to the diverse means of propagation, we could say that the acoustic sound is only one of these ‘results’, as well as visible ‘light’.
        I find great that the 49th octave is associated to visible Light, as the 49th ‘result’ in the 7th physical cosmic plane (see HPB and AAB teachings).

        • Jonathan says:

          Love the thought “The Sound without sound”, one might recognise it to be of the Plan or pattern from which the universe draws forth it’s being and purpose.
          Correspondences hold true and we discover that Light is Sound, the one is Thought projected upon a carrier wave into appearance and Creation. Sound creates standing waves of thought forms impulsing an etheric ocean of a magnetic Space. These “waves” are of the vertical axis in a toroid, oscilating pressure of the medium. Such are the projections of stellar beings in a telepathic universe where all etheric bodies are sensitive to cosmic impulsing that radiates outward, in transition through atmospheres, giving rise to visible light and audible sound spectrums.

          “Man is quite rightly a cosmic being and therefore he cannot be without a cosmic destiny. But Harmonics is the law of the Universe; and man cannot ignore it without destroying himself… This is a time of climbing up again. It is therefore necessary to listen to sounds within; to open oneself to living harmony, as if to a divine grace; to use its potent magic with love and science.”

          – The Harmonics Compendium, (

      • Jonathan says:

        Thank you for this enlightening thought, that we may listen to the “unstruck sound” as source and origin of our being.

    • Elizabeth Betzer says:

      I LOVE what frank shared! most provoking of ones desire to discover all truths. I thank you for it.

  3. This is beautiful work Theo Gimble who passed many years ago now worked on this . Thank you for sharing LOVE LOVE LOVE

    • Jonathan says:

      Thank you Rosemary, I am not yet familiar with Theo Gimble’s work but I see he founded the Hygeia College of Colour Therapy. I look forward to learning more his way of healing with light and color.

  4. lisofby says:

    hi there, i really enjoyed this article, and would like to know how people can actually go about using light and sound for healing, which i totally agree with, just not sure how to access it. and two little niggles; i was taught in art school, that red is also a primary colour, because it must be sourced. we can theoretically mix any colour subtractively, from red, blue and yellow, through all combinations, to black. in order to obtain white, we must use an additive colour mix, which is light. and on the subject of hidden knowledge, i believe we must not confuse “jesus” with “christ.” the two are not one and the same.

    • Jonathan says:

      Hi Lisofby, Thank you for your interest – natural light and sound can already bring us healing, listening to nature, breathing in the sunlight. It seems only to know that resonance between a natural frequency and some thing out of harmony can do the same, like retuning a piano. Goethe’s Theory of Light, Darkness and Color explains much more than Newton and then there is the work of Edwin Babbit (light therapy) and Royal Rife (sound therapy). It´s all out there, we have to do it for ourselves. What´s your situation ?

    • Jonathan says:

      Take a look under “health” on the site.

  5. Hi John,

    Very impressed with your site and what you are doing.

    Thank you for this info…I appreciate it as a one who is expanding knowledge on the core aspects of Light. Very up on frequency & vibrations from my years of metaphysics training, but have not had some of this particular exposure to the light aspect (however, its all frequency).

    In looking at your seminars and wondering if you’ve read THE HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW PARADIGM trilogy about expectations for the coming shifts (George Green distros it)?

    I’m also drawn to your GET REAL NEWS page. I’ll be adding that to my Favorites for keeping up with big events and what the Shadow Powers are engaged in. You might want to do a piece on the new BRIC-Nation Alignment (over 160? of them) establishing a Global Bank (to compete with World Bank/IMF) and blunt the Central Bank families’ financial exploitive power structure by establishing a new Reserve Currency. Here is a good video interview with an author of a book (you may have already come across) that answered my wondering questions in those years working overseas.

    John Perkins – “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”

    I’ve practiced as a CFP and also worked decades for DoD in a number of significant high-level projects (as a Senior Mgmt Consultant and Senior Strategic Analyst) related to shaping US & regional activities. Combined with knowledge of metaphysics, there is little with which I do not see the connections, motives, and hidden agendas. Clearly you have pierced the 8 (or nine) Veils.

    As for insights you welcome from readers, in a number of cases I’ve been gifted with some extraordinary of those. However, I also can recognize when in the presence of a Co-Creator Master to whom I have little to offer.

    I’m betting you get some ugly emails from the One-Eyed spoilers and the hard right Evangelicals. Hopefully you and I are helping some of them wake up so we can get past this phase of the R-cycle.


    John S. from Tampa

    To allow irrefutable lies to go unrevealed, allows the deceitful veil of illusion to prevail.
    ~ Jon Fyke

    We think of our institutional asylums as necessary for exiling from society a mere few social deviants. However, and in reality, could it be that our existence—some call the Matrix—is the true asylum? Does not much in this conflicted world exemplify that which would be described as insane?
    ~ Jon Fyke

    For each of us to find ‘the’ Truth, we all are threading our way through a Divine conspiracy…a Divine plan towards self-realization.
    ~ Jon Fyke

    Truth cannot be acknowledged within the mind that is imprisoned by its fears or its misinformed and otherwise rationalized ideological beliefs.
    ~ Jon Fyke

    Here is the key difference between myself and nearly all of “mainstream” Christiandom’s beliefs: Unless we learn of Jesus’ secret teachings to his Disciples and other secrets the Church has long kept hidden, I know that we do not know—but those still believing in mere shadows and distortions of the truth…don’t!
    ~ Jon Fyke

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