Jon and Paul shout about the Real News with Nick and Jennie from England …
Get Real – What´s Your Vision?
Jon and Jennie are from South England, Paul and Nick from North England
shout about the Real News with you on Turtle Island News and Universal Radio …
We are just “ordinary citizens”. We can see the evidence and we want to put the truth and the feeling of “human family” back into our world reality. We want you to join us by shouting “the Real News” with your friends and fellow citizens in your part of the world community.
We can each make a choice. It´s in our power.
The Earth and our human society cannot wait longer.
We stay with “what is”, conform and comply and make no choice
Or we can follow our own vision of how life can be.
It can be scarry to go inside and feel our way out of the mess we may be in,
but life is always changing, it´s the only thing that stays the same.
It´s why we are here. To go inside and change the way we think and act
is the power we have to put our trust in life which is wanting us to move forward,
so we save ourselves by following a vision and that´s all we have to do.
Let´s be the change we want to be and experience.
Please share your vision with us and with your family and friends,
Real change starts here and now from the inside out …
Presented by
The People´s Get Real News Forum with indi-media rant-mongers
Paul Palmer and Jonathan Eveleigh.
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